It's all began on 19th feb 09 about eleven pm i want to go popo. But tak boleh. Then there were some traces of blood. But very little. i am very tired that day. So I when to sleep. About 2 am my stomach felt like the period pain. Then when to the toilet and there was it, it's bleeding. i moke up my husband and we went straight to the Hospital Ampang.
But the pain was not so bad at that time. On 4am the doctor check me and yes ithas open about 4cm. So I went straiufght to the labour room. But still I am very sleepy. I have to be induce because the baby already popo inside me. At 9am it was really hurt you know. I ask the doctor for epidural because I can't stand it but the doctor said I m already open for 10cm and there no need for epidural.So I start pushing, about 9.30am he was born. And when you c the baby face and hear him crying all the pain dissappear. The baby was 3.2kg and very healthy.
congrats dear!!! im hepi for u
tank u2
oh wow! last month baru je tengok u shoppin kat warehouse sales!!! n not long u give birth already!! which means u were actually not suppose go warehouse sales dear! so dangerous lah!!!
can't believe u.. u should enter contest with this story!!! anyway :D cute baby.. congratulations dearie ^____^ take good rest ok
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