I am really a big fan of chocolate. Even when choosing wide variety of ice-cream i will choose chocolate. I wonder why I never bored with chocolate.There are a few of ice cream i have been tasted before which tak penah I rase tak sedap. All was yummy. Let's look ice cream I have tested before.
1. Haagen Dazs
Häagen-Dazs® chocolate chocolate chip ice cream is the perfect combination of pure, sweet cream, decadent Dutch cocoa and rich chocolate chips. an ice cream experience for those who appreciate the true essence of chocolate.Ha this one is my favourite all time. rase die tak pahit sgt tak manis sgt. I think I ader rasepenah rase Chocolate belgium, but not found dkt website die.Maybe it is limited edition flavour kot.

Yang ni I dah rase Chocolate Mousse Royale which is a light chocolate ice cream with chocolate royale flavor bursts and a mousse-like texture, Chocolate the extra rich chocolate ice cream and Maui Brownie Madness which taste like Chocolate Frozen ice yogurt with chunks of brownie and macadamia nuts, ribboned with chocolate fudge.Okay jugak tapi nak kater terlalu sedap tu tak la for me. okayla.

This one is my favourite. Always have it at Mid while I am studying. But now dah tak der.

I bought it at the garden. Love this ice cream to. Gelatissimo's is an award winning gelato which is made fresh daily in store to an authentic family recipe. It is manufactured to the highest standards using the best natural ingredients and freshest produce, it is Australia's most popular gelato.the last time I think I try American Chocolate, ferrero Rocher and Chocolate Hazelnut. Really nice gellato to be honest.

5. ben's and jerry's
Very tasty. I found it at Pavillion market. This ice-cream kene rebut ngan hubby. I gave this ice-cream two thumbs up. But a bit sweet okey. We have We can't divulge the secret source of this flavor's greatness. All we can say is that, of the majorly cool ingredients involved, the key player behind it's gobby awesomeness just happens to be the mother of all nougats. Take it from those who've tried it once...and again...and again, each time finding new respect...and indisputable nougattiness. Anyway, we don't know why you'd try denying it: a flavor like this is too delicious to diss. Flavor formerly known as "The Gobfather."

This one I taste at KLCC and Mid Valley. I have Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Chocolate Ecstasy. Well really this ice cream is good to. sory can't find the ice cream real picture.

Dreaming to taste :
Ape2 pun tak lawan ice-cream asam boy yang nenek buat. Hehehe

Hi there!
Speedy Minilin will be RM2670.Thanks for asking!
Hi Ayong
Just came across ur blog...we hv so much similarities ie crazy on handbags, chocs and we both UM grads!
I'll link urs, k! :)
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